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Anita Bergsma, Life Coach, on finances and budgeting

How making a realistic budget plan today can set the stage for achieving bigger goals next

It’s no secret that people are concerned about money these days. From a housing crisis to rising inflation rates, tight budgets are becoming unmanageable.

The age-old wisdom of having an emergency fund to last three months seems unrealistic when living is had paycheck to paycheck… or is it?

Anita Bergsma, Life Coach, has helped many small business owners and individuals with budgets and finances.

For entrepreneurs and individuals alike, it all starts with visualization: where do you want to go, and how do you plan get there?

“For individuals, I work with visualization techniques of what the future would be like debt free; buying a house, starting a business, going on vacation,” says Bergsma.

“The number one driver of financial issues for most people is simply not knowing where their dollars are going. People don’t have cash on them anymore, so they use their debit or credit card. It’s not like pulling out a $20 and seeing it go away. Now, we all just swipe a card – in the store and online. Online shopping has snowballed too; it’s a great convenience, but financially inconvenient when used without restraint.”

Once Bergsma helps a client make a budget, the client typically has an eye opening experience. Many do not realize how quickly clothing, takeout and other small purchases add up. Once the spending patterns are identified, she helps each client work on what they can cut back. Do they really need to eat out every day? If they don’t like to cook, is a meal kit subscription a good compromise? Have they looked at places like Bulk Barn to lower the grocery bill? Do they really need more clothing? If so, is there a more affordable place to shop?

“It is important to realize that a budget is not designed to take away all your fun,” says Bergsma. “It is to help define needs versus wants and to keep those categories in mind when spending. You may not be as broke as you think! When you get a handle on your finances, you can start planning to play down debt and save money. Even $20 or $50 at a time adds up.”

For help with budgeting and finances, contact Anita Bergsma today.
