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Do you need help dealing with narcissism… or a narcissist?

Life coaching can help with recognizing narcissism as well as setting helpful goals and boundaries

Narcissism. We are seeing this word a lot on social media and in the news. What is a narcissist and why can this behaviour be so problematic?

Those suffering from narcissistic personality disorder have a completely inflated sense of their own “importance.” Narcissists require constant validation and thrive on the admiration of others. They look down on others and feel like friends and family exist to serve them – after all, they are the most important person in the room!

Narcissists often hurt others’ feelings because they do not understand – or sometimes do not care – about empathy or boundaries. However, all this puffed up self importance usually masks deep seated insecurities, causing the person with the disorder to be constantly “at war” with themselves. 

Needless to say, being, or dealing with, a narcissist is exhausting. Narcissists can learn to adjust their behaviours and recognize empathy by undergoing therapy. Those dealing with a narcissist can benefit from counselling to help preserve strained relationships.  

Life coaching can also help. While therapy addresses deep seated issues and mental health, life coaching teaches the narcissist or their victims how to set boundaries. 

A life coach can help the narcissist set tangible goals towards:

  • Apologizing to friends and family
  • Seeking validation internally
  • Recognizing what boundaries are and what they look like for others when broken

The life coach can also be a neutral party to help the narcissist realize when and why their actions have hurt others. 

For those in relationships with a narcissist, be it a co-worker, friend or family member, life coaching can also help. The life coach helps with boundary setting, advocating for one's self, learning shielding techniques and more.

Narcissism is on the rise, and why wouldn’t it be? With social media algorithms focused on feeding us a stream of self-validating content, and with likes pouring in quickly with every selfie, our current social climate is geared towards self-love. Sometimes, however, that self-love gets out of hand. When it does, therapy and life coaching both have a place in restoring much-needed balance.

If you or someone you love needs help with dealing with narcissism, consider life coaching. Anita Bersgma is a certified life coach that has plenty of experience in helping clients set boundaries, reach goals, and learn healthier behaviours. 
