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‘It’s really a family thing’: Acton Badminton Club seeking players

Organizer says the recreational club provides an opportunity to ‘spend some quality time with your kids, be active and have fun’
Fred Johnson returns a shot while Hermeline Calage looks on during weekly play at the Acton Badminton Club.

Virginia and Astrid Houston were playing badminton together each week in Georgetown. It was a great way for the mother and daughter to enjoy each other's company while keeping active.

Eventually Virginia, who teaches at Acton District School and coaches the Bearcats’ badminton team, thought there might be more people in town who would enjoy a similar recreational opportunity closer to home.

That prompted Houston to start the Acton Badminton Club, which runs out of the school every Friday from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

“It’s really a family thing,” Houston said. “It’s a chance to spend some quality time with your kids, be active and have fun. It’s also a chance to promote activity for youth in town.”

Astrid Houston chases down a shot during Acton Badminton Club play at Acton District School. Herb Garbutt photo

The club started last year and has about 15 regulars who play each week, as well as some other players who attend occasionally. Participants rotate through the courts playing matches.

“It’s a nice break from school,” said Jayme Ash, a Grade 9 student at Erin High School. “It’s a good chance to get out and meet some people outside of my usual friend group; meet some people of different ages.”

Susan Stager played badminton in high school and now comes out to play with her sons Brayden and Gavin each week.

The club is currently looking for more players. Games are held from late September until early June. Players can pay $7 each week they play, or $100 for the whole season. It’s open to anyone 12 and older and caters to all skill levels. Racquets are available if players don’t have one.

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