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Police Beat

Dodge truck stolen from Acton auto shop

Dodge truck stolen from Acton auto shop

Vehicle had been dropped off at Main Street North business after hours
Service delayed on GO line after person struck by train in Guelph

Service delayed on GO line after person struck by train in Guelph

Trains starting and ending at Georgetown station until investigation complete
Toronto man gets life sentence for 2020 murder of 16-year-old in Milton

Toronto man gets life sentence for 2020 murder of 16-year-old in Milton

Ahmed Ismail plead guilty to second-degree murder in shooting death of Ezekiel Agyemang
New Halton police station in Hornby on schedule to open early 2026

New Halton police station in Hornby on schedule to open early 2026

Norlon Builders broke ground on the project in May and work is well underway
Bell copper wire stolen from Trafalgar Road hydro poles

Bell copper wire stolen from Trafalgar Road hydro poles

Incident is the latest in a string of local copper thefts
Early-morning traffic stop in Georgetown leads to impaired charges

Early-morning traffic stop in Georgetown leads to impaired charges

Incident occurred in the area of 10 Sideroad and Mountainview Road South
Georgetown teen charged with impaired driving at RIDE check

Georgetown teen charged with impaired driving at RIDE check

OPP were set up with the sobriety check point in Rockwood late Tuesday
Police searching for driver who fled after hitting pedestrian in Georgetown

Police searching for driver who fled after hitting pedestrian in Georgetown

76-year-old man in stable condition after being struck at Mountainview and Campbell Gate
Firefighters battle fully-engulfed house fire in Georgetown

Firefighters battle fully-engulfed house fire in Georgetown

Emergency crews are on the scene of a single-storey detached home on Jessop Court
Glass door broken, cash stolen during break-in at Ballinafad home

Glass door broken, cash stolen during break-in at Ballinafad home

Nobody home at time of break and enter Friday